Friar Tuck

Frangelico, cream, dark crème de cacao

A delicious and smooth cocktail. Ideal for kicking back in Winter. The cream combines well with the chocolate flavour of the dark, rich creme de cacao and the frangelico adds some unctuous hazlenuttyness to it too.

Salted Caramel Alexander

Salted Caramel vodka, Brandy, Crème de Cacao, cream

A great ‘on trend’ cocktail concoction combining fashionable salted caramel vodka with classic brandy, plus dark crème de cacao with it’s hint of chocolate, and cream. A real smoothie.

Rusty Nail

Scotch whisky, Drambuie, stem ginger, orange bitters

Our take on a classic 2 ingredient cocktail. The balance of scotch whisky with the sweetness of Drambuie’s whisky and heather honey is fantastic. We offer to add a little stem ginger and some orange bitters to give it more complexity. But they’re optional of course.


Cream, Crème de Menthe, Crème de Cacao

A creamy concoction combining 3 classic ingredients : cool minty crème de menthe, white crème de cacao with it’s hint of chocolate, and cream. A real smoothie.

Flat White Martini

Baileys Irish Cream, Espresso coffee, vodka

The latest ‘in’ cocktail. Destined to be a classic, combining creamy Baileys with the velvety sharpness of coffee, balanced out with a touch of vodka. A rich one for sipping.